Authentic Reporting
Visit report directly comes from the location where it was done
User take one live picture at the visited contact location with camera only
App reports status of GPS, Internet and device battery
App records true date and time only
App login can be done from a specific device only, admin controls this
Clarity on what is actually happening
Helps the company to take timely decesion on weak areas of operations
Same data is accessed by the user, team leader, and the company which brings transparency like never before and builds trust
Employee can mark the attendance using the app
Attendance marked using employee tracking app will capture true time and GPS location
Attendance can be GPS location specific, user needs to be at the location to mark the attendance
Attendance with Selfie, admin can make it mendatory in the employee tracking app
User can give the information about the day plan and transport mode
Admin gets attendance details in real-time on admin panel and can see users location on map
Team Leader will get notification as and when any team member marks the attendance
Team Leader can access the location of the team members on the app
User can access the contact list and have access to customer's details including its GPS location1
Admin can add/upload the contact list i.e. distributors, dealers, retailers or clients
User can sync the contacts of company on the app i.e. distributor, retailer or clients
Users can add new contacts also using the employee tracking app
Admin can control to allow user to add new contact
User can set the profile picture, GPS coordinates for the contact
Contacts of an user can be transferred to another user
Contacts can be assigned to users i.e. contacts of one user will not be accessible to others
Team leader can access contact list of any team member
Admin can control if the user can edit the contact details or not
Users can be assigned contacts directly from the admin panel, no hassel when a new employee joins
Any new contact added by user is stored on server and company has access to the records
Contact can not be deleted by app user or team leader
1 - GPS coordinates of contact will be captured at the first time check-in
Visits/Business Meeting
Sales, field employee can mark his/her visit(s) using the app
List of contacts can be uploaded by the admin and can be assigned to specific user(s)
If the contact is not found or its a new contact then user can add the new contact using the app
User can see when last visit was done and what was the order value
User can also access the due amount2 of the contact
Check-in will capture the time and location (GPS coordinates) of the meeting
After check-in user can book order, feed payment collection details, take notes, fill digital form
User needs to take atleast one image during the meeting (admin can disable this)
User can take multiple images during the visit
User can not upload any pre-captured or forwarded image, camera will open to take image
User can take image of the visited place, sign-board of the contact visited
For retail business, images can be of stock or branding done at the retail counter
User can take text notes related to meeting (this can be edited after meeting also)
User can also record audio notes of up to 5 minutes
User can add details of other concerned people at the client's office
Check-out will capture the visit rating, remarks, check-out time and location (GPS coordinates)
At Check-out, user can set next visit date and will get the reminder by email, notification
Team leader gets the list of reminders set by the team members, this keeps everyone connected
Admin, team leader have direct access to the user's visit details in real-time like GPS-location, check-in and check-out time, time spent, order, payment details, and images clicked. At the same time the user can also share order details directly using WhatsApp, SMS or Email with concerned person
Audio note is big help for those users who are not very good in writing or don't want to write long text notes
Collecting contact details of all concerned people at client's office helps you access the information more easily in future and you may run your marketing campagins more effectively by reaching-out to concered person.
Day/Route/Beat Plan
Route/Beat Plans(as followed by FMCG company) can be created by admin and assigned to the app user
User can plan the days, weeks or even months in advance either by selecting any Route/Beat Plan or may choose contacts manually
Admin can upload the monthly journey plan (MJP) for the app users in advance
Admin can view or plan or edit the day plan for any user
Team Leader can view or plan or edit the day plan for any user of the team
Day plan can be approve/disapprove by Team Leader or admin
Day plan has information of contact(s) to be visited, planned time for the visit, purpose of the visit and remarks for reference
Revisit date set during the check-out will create the entry in the day plan automatically
User can copy the day plan to any future date, saves time for the app user
User gets an alert by the app to follow the day plan which ensures that any planned visits are not missed. If missed then it gets reflected under deviation report for the Admin and the Team Leader
The user and the Team Leader gets an email alert for the day plan
User can not delete any visit plan from day plan which is added by or approved the Admin or Team Leader
Expense Management
Admin can create expense heads and can make bill copy attachment mendatory
Employee can feed the daily expenses in the employee tracking app
Expense date, amount, head, remarks and bill copy can be entered
Accounts manager can access these records and can approve/disapprove the claim
Saves a lot of time of the employee to create expense log at the end of the month
Reduces chances of error as user is feeding expense details as and when it is done
Day Reporting
User gets an email confirmation once attendance is successfully marked on server
Team Leader receives a notification when attendance is marked by the users of his/her team
User gets an email at the day end with all visits information
Team leader gets an email with the details of all the visits done by his/her team members
Team leader report has attendance details, visit details of all user using employee tracking app
Saves time of user, no more reporting by sending email to Team leader (reporting officer)
Quick, day reports are shared after date change automatically, no more waiting for reports
Offline Working
User needs active Internet connection for marking attendance and day over
User can perform all other activities without Internet or may be when Internet speed is not good
In offline mode, app keeps recording all the information with actual time of activity
Offline data is sync with the server when active Internet is found on the device
Even GPS location is tracked during offline time as the app doesn't require Internet to get GPS location
Internet availability doesn't impact user's work
Skips the possibility of loosing any information when there is no Internet on the user's device
Monthly Target
Admin/Reporting Manager/User can set monthly targets
Targets can be set for total visits,order value, payment collection, and aquiring new customers
User can monitor own performance and to be achieved target is always visible for action
User can always plan better if the target is clear
Makes it easy for the Reporting Manager and the Admin to check the performance of any user
Saves a lot of time wasted in distributing target details and collecting data after target period